Business Need
To ensure: 1) associates and managers worldwide had explicit in-role, lateral, and vertical career development/advancement opportunities, and 2) consistent methodology was in place to support best global adoption and sustainability in alignment with HR/people development/engagement strategies.
In close partnership with the head of HR and a global Core Team of 12 leaders (representing each R&D discipline and geography), provided project management, expert career path and OD consultation to map and guide each project phase, ensuring integration, collaborative problem-solving/decision-making, and completion of milestones.
The high performing Core Team delivered a unified, multi-level global R&D career path plus core competencies, functional/technical competencies, updated role profiles, aligned accountabilities, promotion, calibration and related processes (grounded in the company’s performance management and talent development system), and a suite of sustainable education/communication deliverables including a custom web site, practical toolkits, town halls, career stories, etc.